After discussions with the Guymon Public Schools Board of Education and district staff, changes have been made to the calendar in anticipation of the 2018-2019 school year.
A longer Christmas Break and Spring Break are now scheduled, with other days shifted for staff throughout the year to accommodate the changes.
Fall break will occur during the same time of year for the district; November will have three days off for Thanksgiving.
In December, Christmas Break will begin on Dec. 21. and students will return to school on Jan. 7.
In March, students will enjoy a full week of Spring Break on March 18 through March 22. Parent teacher conferences will occur March 12 and 14 ahead of the break.
The Monday following Easter weekend will see students in school, as well as the Friday afterward.
The Guymon Public Schools Board of Education meets on the second Monday of every month. The next regular board meeting will take place on April 9 at 7 p.m. in the science annex of Guymon Central Junior High School at 712 N. James St. Agendas are posted at the front doors of the central administration offices at 801 N. Beaver St. and online at ahead of meetings. These meetings are open to the public.