This week, Guymon Public Schools announced a Teacher of the Year from each school site. The winners are as follows:
-Jaynee Burchard, Carrier Elementary
-Tracie Hackett, Prairie Elementary
-Judy Jantzen, Northeast Elementary
-Jacque Anderson, Academy Elementary
-Susan Mennis, Homer Long Elementary
-Davida Gomez, North Park Elementary
-Michelle Davis, Guymon Junior High
-Michael Patterson, Guymon High
These finalists will now compete to win the Teacher of the Year award for the whole district. The district-level winner, with the help of school administration, will go on to compete for the award at the state level.
Guymon Public School District invites everyone to attend the Teacher of the Year recognition ceremony on Thursday, April 9 at 4 p.m.
The school is also seeking sponsors for a gift basket to present to the district Teacher of the Year winner. Any businesses or organizations that would like to donate a prize for the gift basket can contact Danielle Collins for more information: OR 338-4340 ext. 2578.