GUYMON – Each year, Main Street Guymon hosts an awards banquet to honor every- one who has contrib- uted to making the com- munity a better place. This year, the assembly was “Roaring ‘20s” themed, displaying beautiful décor, a meal, and guest attire inspired by the 1920s. To open the event, Emcee Dr. Sara Richter welcomed all the guests. Attendees then rose and saluted during the Posting of the Colors by Guymon Fire Department. After- ward, Mayor Sean Livengood stated a thank- you to all the volunteers who made this event possible, followed by an invocation given by Peter Adup. Guests were invited to enjoy a 1920s-inspired dinner catered by local chef
Virgil Gibson. High school students from the Oklahoma Panhan- dle State University Up- ward Bound program helped host the event.
Thursday, February 20, 2020