Tuesday, March 5, 2019
The Memorial Hospital of Texas County sales tax proposition has passed with a landslide decision by voters. The vote totals were 1,566 votes to pass (85.43 percent); 267 votes against (14.57 percent) Below is the breakdown of the vote by precinct.
700101 - 173 yes (79.36 percent); 45 no (20.64 percent)
700104 - 78 yes (87.64 percent); 11 no (12.36 percent)
700107 - 54 yes (94.74 percent); 3 no (5.26 percent)
700201 - 268 yes (87.3 percent); 39 No (12.7 percent)
700202 - 89 yes (90.82 percent); 9 no (9.18 percent)
700205 - 315 yes (86.3 percent); 50 no (13.7 percent)
700302 - 32 yes (86.49 percent); 5 no (13.51 percent)
700303 - 103 yes (85.12 percent); 18 no (14.88 percent)
700304 - 115 yes (92 percent); 10 no (8 percent)