This week, the Guymon City Council approved a resolution that affects the results of council elections, with the stated intent of making the wards in the city equalized.
The item on the regular agenda read as follows:
Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Resolution No. 19-03 A Resolution to Give Notice of Intent to Amend Section 1-201 of the Guymon Code of Ordinances Establishing Ward Boundaries
A ward map will be available for residents to look over once it is done on the city's website.
The Guymon City Council meets on the second and last Thursday of every month at 6 p.m. in city council chambers inside Guymon City Hall at 424 N. Main St. The next regular meeting will take place on Jan. 31. Council members are Mayor Kim Peterson - Ward 4, Vice Mayor Larry Swager - Ward 3, Sean Livengood - Ward 2, Chet Krone - At Large, and Sergio Alvidrez - Ward 1. Agendas are posted at the front doors of Guymon City Hall and online at ahead of meetings. For more information, call (580)338-3396. These meetings are open to the public.
To read more about this resolution and other items discussed during Thursday's city council meeting, be sure to pick up the weekend edition of the Guymon Daily Herald.