The PCHC Health Clinic is partnering with the Guymon Community Enrichment Foundation for a future home for the clinic. The Foundation has purchased the Reed Family Clinic and adjoining lots located across the street from the hospital on the west side of East Street.
The reason the property is considered perfect for the clinic is “that it is an ideal location for a new facility to house the growing clientele of PCHC,” says PCHC Board Chairman Dianna Brown. “The location is adjacent to the hospital and the health department . PCHC will be keeping the current building and utilizing it as a Community Outreach Center for other agencies and programs that provide important services to the community. The administrative staff of PCHC will also be at the new Center, which will relieve some of the crowding at the current PCHC site at 3457 Highway 54. The future plans include utilizing different grant opportunities to build a new clinic next to the upcoming Outreach Center.”
The first phase of the Outreach Center is to get the building up to code and remodeled to house the offices of CEO Sarah Wagner and CFO Ty Pool, giving much needed space in the current clinic building, which is owned by Seaboard Foods and rented to PCHC.
“I am grateful to the Guymon Community Enrichment Foundation and Anchor D Bank for working with us on this project,” said Clinic CEO Wagner. “The Outreach Center will help us better serve our patients and to provide more services to the community.”
Wednesday, October 4, 2017