In Texhoma Red Devils homecoming tradition, the 2017 Fiesta Days are on the way with all the favorites scheduled starting with Friday's game, headed until well into the afternoon on Saturday.
This year's theme is 'Texhoma RED… Enough Said', and promises to have all the fantastic events everyone has come to look forward to and enjoy. Anniversary years for alumni will include 2008, 1998 and 1988.
The schedule of events will take place as follows:
Friday, Sept. 29:
• 6:30 p.m. - Crowning of the queen and special recognition of Texhoma Alumni
• 7 p.m. - The Texhoma Red Devils will go up against the Spearman Lynx
Saturday, Sept. 30:
• 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. - Alumni Breakfast at the Texhoma Livestock Cafe
• 7:15 a.m. - Signup for the Color Walk/Run. All proceeds from the run will go to the Texhoma Band Booster Club. Start line is at the Texhoma High School Dome. The walk/run begins at 8 a.m. Contact Anel Anton at (806)423-1404 ext. 6118 to register.
• 8:30 a.m. - Homecoming golf tournament signup at the Sunset Hills Golf Course in Guymon. Tee off is at 9 a.m. For more information, call the golf course at (580)338-7404.
• 9 a.m. Softball Tournament at the fields on Main Street in Texhoma. For more information, contact Danny Neptune at (580)817-0091 or Coach Higgins at (806)282-4775
• 11 a.m. - Lineup for the Fiesta Day Parade. Parade begins at 11:30 a.m. For more information, contact Beronica Lujan at (806)339-4709 or Charliss Thrasher at (620)655-1541.
• 12 p.m. - Rotary Barbecue at the Second Street Park, next to the Texhoma Activity Center. Sandwiches, chips, drinks and desserts are available for purchase at this fundraising barbecue event.
• 1:30 p.m. - Turtle races sponsored by the Texhoma Rotary Club.
• 2 p.m. - Head down to Main Street Park for booths with items for sale, activities and fun as everyone gathers for a fantastic afternoon.
• 3 p.m. - Punt, Pass and Kick at the Texhoma Practice Field. For more information, contact Mike Yates at (580)651-9255 or Coach Jackson at (806)268-1312.
We hope to see everyone this weekend in Texhoma!
Tuesday, September 26, 2017