On Feb. 14 Texhoma Public School will give voters an opportunity to vote on a Transportation Bond to replace two activity buses with two newer activity buses.
“This Bond will not increase taxes over the tax rate previously approved by voters from the 2012 Campus improvement Bond Election,” Superintendent Tom Schroeder said.
“We were lucky enough to have 15 wind turbines go onto our valuation this year. This raised our Net Assessed Valuation from $15,050,997 to $20,559,709, increasing the District's total net assessed valuation. This increase allows us to run the bond and not increase taxes over what was previously approved.”
The district currently has two older buses, a 1995 and 1998 model. Both are high mileage and unreliable.
“Over the last 6 years the district has spent over $85,000 on repairs and maintenance. The buses have broken down on numerous trips leaving students stranded, sitting on the side of the road or arriving late to activities,” Schroeder said.
Most parents are aware of the transportation issues. The district has the opportunity to address these needs without raising taxes above what was approved in the 2012 Bond.
“I just want to encourage everyone to come out and vote February 14, 2017,” Schroeder said.
If you have any questions regarding the transportation bond stop by and see Superintendent Tom Schroeder at school or call (580) 423-7433.