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Week in Preview: October 15-22

Staff Writer

Saturday, Oct. 15:
The Guymon High School Student Council's Second Annual Zombie Run is coming up on Oct. 15! The run will begin at dusk, with some convincing zombies to chase walkers and runners for this exciting community fundraiser event. This interested in taking part can contact Jennifer Reynolds at (580)338-4350 or (806)881-4925. Registration forms can be found at the front desk of Guymon High School, located at 2002 N. James St. in Guymon, or at the event the day of the run.
It's that time again! Homecoming at Oklahoma Panhandle State University is this Saturday, and it will be a great time! Specials on OPSU gear, honored alumni, a brand new tailgate location at the field, a parade at 11 a.m., alumni barbecue and kickoff against West Texas A&M University is all part of the fun. Tailgating starts at 10:30 a.m. Go Aggies!
Fuzzy, fuzzy, cute, cute! The Guymon 4-H Clubs will be hosting a petting zoo on Oct. 15 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Tractor Supply Co., located at 2501 N. Highway 64 in Guymon. Bring the little folks to see a horse, goat, chickens and more at this family friendly free event! October is Oklahoma 4-H month.
Sunday, Oct. 16:
Main Street Guymon will be hosting a Preservation Oklahoma Meet and Greet event, with a short presentation from Mike and Connie Taylor for their historical listing of Danholt on Oct. 16 from 5:45 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. at the Hotel Dale lobby in downtown Guymon. Preservation Oklahoma is a wonderful resource for those who are wanting to apply for the state historical building designation, learn about tax credit programs, and about historical preservation as a while. There will be a small Endangered Places display at the FriendRaiser. Refreshments will be provided by Main Street Guymon and Preservation Oklahoma. For more information about Preservation Oklahoma, visit PreservationOK.org online.
Monday, Oct. 17:
The Texas County Board of Commissioners will meet at 10 a.m. in the commissioners meeting room on the second floor of the Texas County Courthouse, located at 319 N. Main St. in Guymon. These meetings are open to the public.
Tuesday, Oct. 18:
The Guymon Education Committee will be meeting once again at 12 p.m. om Oct. 18 at Pub on the Bricks. This committee discusses involvement in the education community in Guymon and Texas County, with several entities contributing to the discussion. Topics range from primary and secondary all the way to post-high school educational opportunities. This month, the committee hopes to start steering the conversation in a different direction, and hopes to see the presence of those with ideas at the meeting.
PTCI and TCEC are once again hosting Pumpkins at the Park! Make your way to Thompson Park on Oct. 18 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. to help them celebrate Co-op Month with a pumpkin decorating contest, free carving pumpkins, free photos, free hot dogs, and free train rides! It's inexpensive fun for the whole family! Don't miss it!
The Guymon Library Board is scheduled for its regular meeting on Oct. 18 at 12 p.m. at the Guymon Public Library and Arts Center, located at 1718 N. Oklahoma St. in Guymon. This group meets quarterly on the third Tuesday at noon during the months of January, April, August and October.
Wednesday, Oct. 19:
The Guymon Hispanic Advisory Tourism Board is scheduled for its regular meeting at 12 p.m. at a location to be announced. For more information, contact Guymon City Hall at (580)338-3396. This group meets on the third Wednesday of every month at noon.
The Texas County Local Emergency Planning Committee quarterly meeting will take place on Wednesday starting at 11:30 a.m. at the Texas County Emergency Management facility, located at 2906 Tumbleweed Dr. in Guymon. Representatives of agencies involved in disaster and emergency response are encouraged to attend.
Friday, Oct. 21:
The Golden Senior Olympics is back! Hop, skip and jump your way over to the Texas County Activity Center on Oct. 21 starting at 9 a.m. for a grand opening ribbon cutting with the Guymon Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors, then stay to see some of the region's favorite seasoned citizens as they compete for prizes, vote for their favorites and have a great day out with friends!
St. Peter's Catholic Church is hosting its 11th Annual Oktoberfest on Oct. 21 from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at Pickle Creek Center in Guymon. Food, drinks, door prizes, kids' games, musical entertainment and a beer garden will be part of the festivities. Mark your calendars and get ready for some great fun!
Saturday, Oct. 22:
An Archeology talk on the Black Mesa area by Dr. Leland Bement will take place on Oct. 22 at 2 p.m. at the Guymon Public Library and Arts Center, located at 1718 N. Oklahoma St. in Guymon. This event is free to the public, and will cover the investigation of prehistoric sites of Black Mesa in far western Cimarron County. His team has found evidence that people have been living in this area for at least 11,000 years. This is part of the Main Street Month lineup of activities in October, as well as part of Oklahoma Archeological Month. For information on more events, contact Melyn Johnson at (580)338-6246 or director@mainstreetguymon.com.
Other upcoming events:
The first annual Empowering the Panhandle Benefit Dinner and Auction is coming up, but has been put on hold for rescheduling. Panhandle Services for Children has heard the community's voice, and wants to make sure everyone can be there! Help the staff of Panhandle Services for Children continue to run services that protect youth, empower change and transform lives. Live and silent auction items will be available at the benefit. A dinner of prime rib, sides and dessert will be catered by Oklahoma Smoke BBQ. A vegan option is available by request. The event is semi-formal, and admission includes the meal and drinks. Tickets are available at Panhandle Services for Children, located at 216 NW Fourth St. in Guymon.
The Guymon Chamber of Commerce will be hosting the Annual Chamber Banquet on Oct. 27 starting with the doors open at 6 p.m.! This year's theme is Tailgate. Come out representing your favorite team and show your school colors! For more information, tickets or for a corporate sponsor table, contact the chamber at (580)338-3376.
Goodwell is having a community Trunk or Treat event right in the heart of downtown Goodwell! Get your little monsters dressed up and head on over on Oct. 29. A chili dinner will start at 6 p.m. Festivities go until 8 p.m., with a costume contest starting at 7 p.m. The Goodwell Booster Club encourages the community to get in on a safe and fun evening for the family. Those who are interested in decorating a vehicle and handing out candy can get in on the fun! Contact any booster club member or call Ami Eslinger at (580)817-1452 for more information. A prize will be given to the kid's choice favorite trunk! Participants must supply their own treats to give to the kids. The booster club will also be taking orders for holiday baked goods, so make sure to order your cinnamon rolls while you're there!
The annual Authentic Streetwalkers Glow Walk/Run in Hooker is set to go on Oct. 29 starting at 7 p.m. at the ambulance barn, located at 122 Broadway in Hooker. Organizers promise the course is even better than last year. Get into the Halloween spirit and run or walk in the dark with friends and family. There will also be a costume contest and downtown dance party to end the walk and run! Glow sticks are included for those who pre-register, and glow sticks for purchase at the event. Registration begins at 7 p.m., with the walk and run starting at 7:30 p.m. Funds raised will go toward a local scholarship given out annually. Visit online at streetwalker5k.com for the registration page, then fax, email or drop off the registration!
The City of Guymon Transfer Station will host a Fall Clean Up Day on Oct. 29 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. with free services and weekend access for Guymon residents. This will include a free disposal day at the transfer station located at Road T north of Guymon. Residents must provide proof of residency with a utility bill and photo identification. Tire disposal will also be free for residential account holders and is limited to four tires per resident. There will be no free disposal or tire disposal for commercial accounts. Roll-offs will also be parked at the Seward County Waste Management Services (SCWMS) parking lot on East 12th Street for those unable to bring large items to the transfer station. Electronic waste and household hazardous waste trailers will be located at the site from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 29 is the last Saturday of operation for the transfer station until April 2017. For more information on the transfer station, call (580)338-2434.
The Guymon Lions Club is offering a great option for trick-or-treaters this year! The Haunted Train will be available on Oct. 29 and Oct. 30 from 6 p.m. until after dark, and on Oct. 31 from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. for all the mini holiday revelers this year. Costumed riders can ride the train for half price. The Lions are inviting churches and organizations to come to the park to hand out candy and other items to children, with an area near the parking lot in the grass to set up tables and booths. If you would like to participate on one or all of the evenings, contact Michael at (580)206-0111 or charles.I.michael26@gmail.com.
Time for some fun with the little ones and an opportunity to light up the eyes of some of Guymon's eldest citizens! Heritage Community will once again host its annual Trick or Treat event at the facility on Oct. 31 from 6 p.m. to 7p.m. Enter the building through the entrances at 1401 N. Lelia or 501 NE 5th St in Guymon with your dressed up little folks, stop by and visit and go away with a few treats! Heritage is now accepting candy donations for the event.
The Pumpkin Patch Benefit Arts and Crafts Festival is on the way! Hosted by the Lambda Psi chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, the event will take place on Nov. 5 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Nov. 6 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Texas County Activity Center, located at the corner of Fifth Street and Sunset Lane in Guymon. For more information, contact Jennifer at (580)468-6999.
The Guymon Benefit Arts and Crafts Bazaar will also be up and going on Nov. 5 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Guymon High School, located at 2002 N. James St. in Guymon. For more information, contact Sandy Mauldin at (580)461-2232.
The Guymon Community Theatre will be performing The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. This play will be directed by Jerry Wadley. The Guymon Community Theatre is located at 413 N. Main St. in Guymon. Show dates for the upcoming production are Dec. 2, 3 and 4 and Dec. 9, 10 and 11.


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